Ever feel like if you could just explain, the misunderstanding would be cleared up? What about feeling that way and not getting the opportunity? Frustrating right? That was me just a couple of hours ago.

So lately I have been having an internal battle with the status of a relationship. There was supposed to be resolution but I feel like there really hasn’t been. And it has been bothering me. My mind paces back and forth about how I did the wrong thing or how I am making this bigger than it really is. Am I the only one that feels this way? Am I feeling this way because I’m guilty?

Over the past few weeks, I have been talking to a friend who I feel understands how I feel. Have you ever gotten a hug via text that didn’t require emojiis? I have. And it was perfect. My friend let me know that I am a good person, worthwhile, and anyone would be lucky to have me in their corner. She told me to allow the distance and see what happens. She told me its not only my job to make sure the relationship works. I went on to tell her how hard it is to see something that I want to flourish potentially die.

Then BAM! I thought about what happened earlier today. A coworker came in looking like they’d had a rough night. And they had. They were on the ropes at work and their relationship with their significant other was slipping away. What did I tell them about their relationship? They were better without it. I told them that I knew it would hurt but based on all the things they had told me, even if their S.O. had other really good qualities, this relationship is a drain on them. I told them that it would be hard but they’d be better off. Now fast forward several hours in the same day and I am having a hard time grasping that same concept.

After my pep talk from my friend, I log on to Instagram and the first post I see says…

accept it

change it

leave it

3 choices. you decide how important your mental well being is.

I was floored. Are they in my head??? Then the same person posts…

People make time for who they care about.

And just like that, the tears started pouring out of my eyes. These two messages were so directly for me that I couldn’t take it.

Sometimes we need something to push us over the edge. We just need a sign. A sign we can recognize. A sign we can feel. And I got mine, on Instagram of all places.

With that being said, I am a good person. I’m not perfect and I won’t ever be. I don’t expect perfection out of anyone. I am real and straight up. And I expect that out of everyone I allow around me. I will bend over backwards for people but I don’t have to allow myself to be walked on or over. I protect mine. Period. Point blank. But if you can’t see what an asset I am to your life, that’s fine. No hard feelings. Today is the last day I cry about this. I will allow people to show me where we stand. And then I will stand there. It will be what it will be. And I will be ok.

“I am a voice in the world and I deserve to be heard.” – Different World